September 03, 2009


I keep meaning to update more but I have been lacking the time and motivation, in all honesty. My free-lance work has slowed down so I don't have much to tell, but this is due to my full-time assistant job at a commercial studio in southeastern Mass. I promise a more descriptive post to come, because I do love the blog. I owe you guys some eye-candy of what I've done this summer anyway. I just need some time to re-energize my thoughts, you know?

I must say though, every time I log onto the blog I see updates from all my friends at Hallmark and I am so proud that everyone has so much to show off. You should all be excited and proud, whoever happens to ready this along the way. :]

Talk soon,

1 comment:

  1. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
